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The Specific Absorption Rate

Definition of S.A.R:

The S.A.R is the “specific absorption rate”. It’s the rate at which the human body absorbs energy when it’s exposed to an electromagnetic field

It’s measured in Watts per Kilogram. 


The lower the S.A.R of a product, the smaller the chances of this particular product are of hurting the user because there are less electromagnetic waves emitted and so less waves are absorbed by the human body. 

→ The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization is responsible for the S.A.R and it’s value. The limit is actually at 2W/Kg in Europe. 

This law limits merchants of products that emit electromagnetic waves so that their products are not too dangerous to their users. All of these products must by law tell the buyer what it’s S.A.R is. It’s usually written on the box. 

The absorption of these waves can be multiplied by 1.25 if the person who is exposed has glasses or ear-rings or any other metal objects on them.

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